Coming to Light, Lakewold Gardens 2023
The idea of light can have many layers: physical light from heavenly bodies, fire, or mankind's creations; illumination that comes with discovery or uncovering a truth; a sense of uplift. CQA artists interpret this theme in a variety of ways. The exhibit is at Lakewold Gardens, Tacoma WA, Dec 10 2023 to January 28, 2024
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An Opening by Suzanne Uschold
Anemonies, Mussels, and a Sea Star by Carla Stehr
Aspen Reflection by Nicole McHale
Day Glow by Geraldine Warner
Desert Knights by Bonny Brewer
Florescence by Geraldine Warner
Forget Me Not by Sonia Grasvik
Garden Walkway by Nicole McHale
Golden Elephant by Nicole McHale
How the Light Got In by Ruth Vincent
Joy Shadowed : Spring 2020 by Julie Sevilla Drake
Lightning in the Storm by Susan Smith
Luminous Waves by Marissa Vignali
Misty Morning by Linda Devereaux
Moon Music by Stephanie Ostmann
Moon Shadows by Sonia Grasvik
One Day, One Step, One Life by Barbara Fox
Pacific Oyster Sculpture by Carla Stehr
Quiet Winter Morning by Lisa Jenni
Reaching for the Light by Geraldine Warner
Shimmering Sunset by Suzanne Uschold
Sun Streamers by Lisa Jenni
Symphony of Color by Susan Smith
The Same but Different by Susan Smith
Winter Solstice by Julie Sevilla Drake
Zigzags & Circles #10 by Caryl Fallert-Gentry