Revealing the Hidden - 2015
April 1 - June 28, 2015
LaConner Quilt & Textile Museum
703 South Second Street , LaConner, Washington
What a wonderful time of year to have a show amid the vast, glorious tulip fields of the Skagit Valley. Discover the secrets uncovered by each quilt artist at the historic LaConner Quilt and Textile Museum, just an hour's drive north of Seattle.
Please click a thumbnail to see the full image.
Barbara Kanaya - Step In Time
Barbara Nepom - Fine Art High Technology
Barbara O'Steen - Moving Toward Extinction?
Bonny Bucknam - Red-winged Dragonfly
Carla DiPietro - Tiger In Tall Grass
Carla Stehr - Aggregating Anemones
Carla Stehr - Denticles 2
Christina Fairley Erickson - Hijab Misconceptions
Colleen Wise - Hearts of Gold
Cynthia Stentz - Alchemy: Luminous Darkness
Cynthia Stentz - Alchemy: The Ancestors' Breath
Deborah Taylor - Arcane Pathways
Donna Hudson - Secrets of the Old Ones
Gay Jensen - Complicating Factors
Helen Remick - Les Fleurs de la Maladie 3
Helen Remick - Les Fleurs de la Maladie 4
Katherine Sylvan - ...And then my heart with pleasure fills and dances with the daffodils
Lisa Jenni - Moor :: Heather
Marcia Mellinger - Time for Some Starry Night Music
Marilyn Fries - Calving Iceberg
Mary Berdan - They Were Roses
Nancy Cordry - No Rhyme No Reason
Nicole McHale - Tree Litter
Patti Bleifuss, juror - Fallen Glory
Ruth Vincent - Resilience
Sharon Rowley, juror - This Heavenly Body - Memory
Sonia Grasvik - REM - Rapid Eye Movement