Quilts Unlimited! 2023
Quilts Unlimited! pushes the envelope of the methods and materials of art quilting. With the addition of non-traditional materials and methods, quilt artists contine to reinvent the form defined as quilts only because they are layered and stitched. The show is at the Vashon Center for the Arts, Vashon Island, WA, February 3 - 26, 2023.
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AfterParty 5: Last Call by Julie Sevilla Drake
Canyon Walls in Eons by Nicole McHale
Fractured Sky by Barbara Kanaya
Greenland at 35000 Feet by Janet Darcher
Herons Garden by Susan Smith
Joy In Flight by Sonia Grasvik
Lincoln Park Beach by Suzanne Uschold
Magic Flowers by Susan Smith
Nudibranchs 2 by Carla Stehr
Outside In by Geraldine Warner
Pi R Squared by Bonny Brewer
Primary Motive by Geraldine Warner
Rings of Eternity by Lisa Jenni
Spring Pushing Green by Lisa Jenni
Story in the Stars: Greek Pleiades by Ruth Vincent
Three Birds with Black by Margaret Liston
Topoflow by Geraldine Warner
Words 1 - Think by Barbara Fox
Zigzags & Circles #7 by Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry