Imagination Takes Wing - 2003
An Art Quilt Show sponsored by the Contemporary QuiltArt Association and hosted by the Museum of Flight
The idea for Imagination Takes Wing came about in 2003, the centennial year of powered flight. A Museum of Flight member who is also a member of the Contemporary QuiltArt Association was inspired by the fact that much of the Wright Brothers first aircraft, The Wright Flyer, was constructed of fabric. The member thought that a show consisting of fabric art surrounded by aircraft would be interesting to Museum members and visitors. The Museum of Flight was interested in hosting such a show and within this exhibit are several interpretations of the theme: Imagination Takes Wing.
Please click a thumbnail to see the full image.
Barbara Nepom - Red Sky at Night
Barbara O'Steen - Calling the Pollinators
Bonny Brewer - Back to the Moon
Carla Stehr - Flight over Afognak
Gayle Bryan - Imagination Takes Wing
Janet Steadman - Return to Go
Janet Steadman - The Good Earth
Jill Scholtens - The Lovebird
Jo Van Patten - Space Debris: A Sampler
Katy Gollahon - White and Black Hole
Laurie Wilkes - Above and Beyond
Linda Lunt - Outward Bound
Lorraine Edmond - Arctic Aerial
Mellise Laing - Messages From Mars: Spirit and Opportunity
Pat Hedwall - Night Flight
Pat Hedwall - Worlds Apart
Patti Shaw - Little Green Men
Patty Hieb - Birthing Peace
Sharon Rowley - Setting Peace in Motion
Sonia Grasvik - Mosaic Butterfly
Sonia Grasvik - Sweetly Sings the Meadow
Suzanne Rohner - Free Fall
Dorothy Ives - Step By Step