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Tesi Vaara, CQA - Shattered Innocence

Tesi Vaara, CQA - Shattered Innocence

Artist Statement: Survivors of childhood sexual abuse, by sharing their experiences, help themselves, others and society to heal. A young child who has been sexually abused is changed forever from being a sweet, innocent child to one who harbors secrets and feels anger, shame, fear, grief...a damaged soul until their story is told and healing begins, allowing the light to shine through.

Materials & Techniques: Background fabric is Radiance (silk/cotton blend) which is used to form the grout between the tiles. The tiles are unique Gelli plate printed fabrics created by the artist using acrylic paints. Some commercial fabrics were also used. Tiles are fused onto the Radiance, then machine stitched.

Dimensions: 28 3/4" x 34 1/2"

Photographer: Tesi Vaara
