Look Out - 2009
For 21 years the members of the Contemporary QuiltArt Associaltion have been looking outside traditional quilting and delighting audiences with their fresh, creative approaches to a time-honored art. "Look Out", at the Edmonds Library and Frances Anderson Center, features the newest work of CQA members as they look out at the world and capture glimpses in two and 3-dimensional art.
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Barbara O'Steen - Emerging
Bonny Brewer - Reflections
Cameron Anne Mason - Leaf Vessel
Cameron Anne Mason - Shibori Vessel
Diane Marie Chaudiere - Life's Ebb
Diane Marie Chaudiere - Look Out
Jeanette Schurr - Grape Arbor
Jo Van Patten - Crosshatch
Jo Van Patten - Prize Blue
Lorraine Edmond - Green Flash
Louise Harris - Interconnections
Louise Harris - Structure
Margaret Wheeler - Maui Ocean Center
Melisse Laing - Green Vessel
Melisse Laing - Purple Vessel
Sonia Grasvik - Speed of Light
Susan Juntunen - Silk Moon Shadow Dance