Evolution of the Art Quilt - 2007
A 2007 juried exhibition in conjunction with the 20th Anniversary of our art quilt organization and presented at the Washington State History Museum in Tacoma, WA. This show coincides with the symposium, "Evolution of the Artist: Directions and Development", organized by the Contemporary QuiltArt Association. Along with the art quilts on display are images of some of the earliest works of each participating artist, offering an opportunity for viewers to see how their works have evolved with time and experience.
Please click a thumbnail to see the full image.
Barbara Nepom - Morning Has Broken
Bonnie Bucknam - Version 2
Bonny Brewer - Finding My Niche
Bonny Brewer - Leap of Faith
Cameron Anne Mason - postCARDS: 52 cards, 52 weeks
Carol To - First Shield: A Shield of Faith
Carol To - The Lights Are On: Is Anyone Home?
Cathy Erickson - Girl's Lace Blouse
Cathy Erickson and Mary Arnold - Steps
Cory Volkert - Plaid and Dots Together
Deborah Gregory - Choices and Pathways VII
Donna DeShazo - Bit Of Baja
Ellin Larimer - Junctions III
Gayle Bryan - Blood From Stone
Janet Kurjan - Rainforest III
Janet Steadman - Game Day
Lillie Fontaine - When Sheep Prevail
Lindi Wood - The Shape of the Sky: Quoins
Lorraine Edmond - Tropicale
Lynn Woll - Flower Garden I
Margot Lovinger - Otto (Bill), 2005
Marianne Burr - Greek Salad
Nancy Cordry - Pine Needles 1
Patty Hieb - Moyobamba Orchidaceae
Rachel Brumer - Long Tme Passing
Sonia Grasvik - This Little Light of Mine