Coming of Age - 2007
Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Contemporary QuiltArt Association in 2007, "Coming of Age" appeared at the Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, WA, and expected 100,000 visitors. This exhibition was juried by three nationally recognized artists: Rachel Brumer, Layne Goldsmith and Karen Soma.
Read a review by Tina Koyama of ArtQuiltReview.
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Barbara Nepom - Irrational Exuberance
Barbara O'Steen - Trees-1
Bonny Brewer - Counterpoint
Carla Stehr - Moonglow Anemone
Carol Jerome - Relentless
Catherine Hoesterey - Two Worlds One Heart
Cory Volkert - Oil on Water
Cory Volkert - Summer Day
Deborah Gregory - Ancient Forms: Lost and Found
Deborah Gregory - Particle and Wave
Ellin Larimer - Transition Two
Gayle Bryan - Supplications/Expectations
Giselle Blythe - Cat vs. Dragon
Giselle Blythe - Evolution: Glyptodont
Gretchen Echols - Seasons of the Muse: Mutability
Janet Kurjan - Plum Tango II
Jo Van Patten - November Night
Karen Soma, Juror - Emergence
Katy Gollahon - Seeing Red II
Layne Goldsmith, Juror - Study for Babel I
Lisa Jenni - City in the Rain
Lorraine Edmond - Geodes III
Lorraine Edmond - Summer in the City
Margot Lovinger - Untitled with Rose
Marianne Burr - Millifiori IV
Marie Jensen - Water's Edge
Mary Berdan - Forever Connected
Mary Lewis - Fort Worden Reflection
Melisse Laing - Whirlpool
Miriam Otte - Missing Her
Mirianne Burr - Lovely Lily
Pat Hedwall - Plugged - Unplugged
Patty Hieb - Queen of the Night
Peter Gaunce - African Beauty
Rachel Brumer, Juror - Bifolium
Sonia Grasvik - As For Me
Sonia Grasvik - Butterfly Blue
Sonia Grasvik - I Be Hoppin